How microlearning and LXPs are shaping corporate training

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisations are constantly racing to upskill and reskill their workforce to stay ahead. Technological advancements and software upgrades add significant pressure on businesses to develop a future-ready workforce. The World Economic Forum estimates that 54% of the global labour force will need reskilling and upskilling by 2025. Supporting this, LinkedIn’s latest Workplace Learning Report 2024 highlights that 94% of companies in India plan to upskill their employees, driven by advancements in AI and other emerging technologies. Furthermore, 53% of companies are looking to provide online training and development programmes.However, it is critical to offer training and upskilling programmes in engaging and digestible formats suitable for modern learners. This has paved the way for microlearning and Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs), which have emerged as pivotal solutions for reshaping employee training and development.

The rise of learning management systems (LMS)

In the early 2000s, Learning Management Systems (LMS) became widespread in corporate environments, managing and delivering online courses, tracking learner progress, and administering assessments. Traditional LMS platforms prioritised compliance training, tracking completion rates, and managing administrative tasks related to employee learning and development.

Shift towards personalised learning

As organisations recognised the limitations of one-size-fits-all training approaches, learning became more personalised. Companies began incorporating features that support personalised learning, adaptive learning pathways, and social learning functionalities, laying the groundwork for what would later become LXPs.

Emergence of LXPs

The early 2010s marked a shift towards prioritising the learner experience in corporate training. Organisations sought platforms offering intuitive user interfaces, engaging content, and personalised learning journeys. LXPs emerged in response to the limitations of traditional LMS platforms, focusing on the learner experience, personalisation, interactivity, and engagement. Critical features of LXPs include content curation, social learning capabilities, user-generated content, adaptive learning pathways, and analytics-driven insights.

Maturation and adoption

The LXP market experienced significant growth and consolidation as more organisations recognised the value of prioritising the learner experience. Much like the current trend in the SaaS industry to integrate AI and Gen AI, established LMS vendors in the mid-2000s expanded their offerings to include LXP-like features, while new entrants specialised in creating standalone LXP solutions. LXPs began integrating microlearning capabilities into their platforms, supporting employee development initiatives and fostering a culture of learning and innovation.

Present day: Evolution and innovation

LXPs continue to evolve with technological advancements, including AI, machine learning, and data analytics. These technologies enable greater personalisation, adaptive learning experiences, and predictive analytics to drive learning outcomes. LXPs are increasingly integrated with talent management systems and other HR technologies to provide a holistic approach to employee development and talent optimisation. Investing in lifelong learning initiatives empowers employees to drive their own professional growth and career success.

Future outlook

LXPs are poised for deeper integration with cutting-edge technologies like VR and AI, paving the way for more immersive and engaging learning experiences. According to Future Market Insights, the global AR and VR in training market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 41.8% from 2023 to 2033.

The collaboration between microlearning and LXPs offers a powerful solution for addressing the evolving needs of modern learners and organisations. Companies that leverage personalised learning and cutting-edge technology can unlock the hidden potential within their workforce.


The combination of microlearning and LXPs presents a compelling solution to meet the evolving needs of modern learners and organisations. As the corporate learning landscape grows, the emphasis on personalised learning experiences and cutting-edge technology will be instrumental in unlocking the workforce’s full potential. With continued innovation and deeper integration with emerging technologies, LXPs will drive organisational success by delivering impactful learning experiences that foster continuous development and growth. In the digital age, the dynamic duo of microlearning and LXPs empowers organisations to build an agile, adaptable, and resilient workforce ready to face any challenge.

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