(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is brought to you by Rapid Teams, a consultancy focused on creating world class learning and team experiences. They believe that team building, and employee engagement are important pieces of the performance puzzle. Enjoy the article!) I recently read in an eNewsletter from The New York Times that decentralized workforces (i.e. remote or hybrid workforces) can dilute organizational culture. The relationship between company culture and remote work …

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Employee suspensions are never fun – for the employee or the manager. One of the hardest parts – for managers and employees – is figuring out next steps. I was suspended for two days due to ‘insubordination’. My HR Manager is also my department manager. There was NOT a third party involved at any point, which in my opinion is a conflict of interest. If I understand our company policy …

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(Editor’s note: Today’s post is brought to you by our friends at Paycom, a leading provider of cloud-based human capital management software. They were ranked third on the inaugural 2021 Top Workplaces USA list of organizations with over 2,500 employees. Congratulations! Hope you enjoy the article.) We’ve talked before about how digital transformation can improve manager effectiveness and the employee experience. But things are a little different right now. Many organizations are planning their workforce …

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(Editor’s Note: Today’s article is sponsored by our friends at Primalogik, a cloud-based performance management solution that provides a flexible way to manage employee reviews, 360-degree feedback, goals, and engagement surveys. Enjoy the read!) One of the talent challenges that I’m seeing right now is that organizations haven’t thought about how they will be conducting performance reviews with a remote workforce. We all know that employees need feedback about their performance and …

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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes I ran across an article recently on the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) website listing “10 Tips for Successfully Managing Remote Workers”. It’s a good read and worth checking out. As we continue to have a large number of employees working remotely, I do think that organizations have to think about how to incorporate tips like the ones in the SHRM article into management …

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By Paul Berry Client testimonials can help HR practitioners understand a coach’s process – but only if they look for the appropriate information, says Paul Berry Coaching is now well established as a people management offering, and has grown into a multibillion-dollar global industry. Despite this, the decision of how to choose an executive coach remains problematic. Executive coaching can be expensive and HR professionals have a duty to all …

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